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"We don’t chase companies or stocks. Our process is deep and our team approach keeps us focused on ensuring we’ve done as much work as we possibly can to ensure the investment makes long-term sense."

“At Ashford, we are all encouraged to take a critical role and to be a self-starter. We have a highly engaging team culture, and we thrive on each other’s curiosity, questions, challenges, and ideas.”

"We dig deeper; our criteria is extensive, and we believe we have an edge through our research process and team approach."

"We've enhanced our process in meaningful ways, integrating all of our lessons learned from three decades of dedicated small company research."


"We are dogmatic about our process; working together as a team to construct focused and opportunistic small company growth portfolios."


“We don’t just sell on short-term events outside of management control if we’ve done our homework; we sell if management doesn’t deliver. We get the facts, and then act.”

"We are focused on risk management and deep due diligence; we are not incented to compete with each other, we are incented to build the best portfolio of great ideas that will deliver long term, sustainable results to our clients."

“We maintain in-house traders who are part of the investment committee and who are dedicated to ensuring that we are highly disciplined on entry and exit – we don’t want to leave money on the table on the way in or on the way out.”

“The idea is to build something durable—something sustainable and repeatable with people who are naturally curious and inquisitive; everyone is involved in how the firm plans and what we want to accomplish.”

“We make better decisions together as a team than alone. Collaboration begins with idea generation and follows through to how we invest, monitor, and exit positions. We are a hands-on organization with a common goal.”

"I'm always asking, 'What do you see that's different? What questions are we not thinking to ask?' We want people to think, not just execute."

"We have an open environment; everyone gets a voice. We are highly structured in our approach, but challenging and questioning perspectives is celebrated."

"We want to provide the best possible solution set to our clients. Our process helps us to stay focused on this goal."

"Our firm's history dates back to 1979; we have learned many lessons along the way.  At Ashford, humility and integrity are at the top of our priority list."


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